Over the years I’ve been fortunate to have some fantastic friends. Some are local, while other friends are long distance. Each one has their own unique qualities and strengths that make them so enjoyable to spend time with. Some friends I haven’t connected with in years and would love the opportunity to reunite. Can you think of a friend you haven’t seen in a while, yet you always pick back up right where you left off? That’s a sign of a wonderful friendship!

Since rekindling my speaking career, it’s amazing how many superb people I’ve been fortunate enough to meet-just in the last few months! Perhaps being in isolation has reminded us all of the many benefits of maintaining and meeting new friends.

Recently I addressed the Endicott Sertoma Club. Sertoma standing for: Service To Mankind, has been around since 1912. Thanks to the tireless efforts of this organization they’ve helped many folks with hearing impairments enjoy a better quality of life. People who can now listen to the fall wind blow and hear the “crackle” of crisp autumn leaves under their feet.

Endicott Sertoma Club

The warmth and welcome I received from the group has inspired me to keep in touch. In just one morning, I gained valuable information about their lives of service as Sertomans, while sharing my passion for the publication of, “All That I Had.” Although our paths are different, we certainly learned a great deal from one another.

Endicott Sertoma Club

Helen Keller once said, “I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than walk alone in the light.”

Over the years, numerous studies have found that genuine friendships are very beneficial for our mental well-being. A Harvard study recently showed that building friendships promotes brain health as we age.

Friendships are known to extend a person’s life, prevent loneliness and even reduce some health risks.

There are many ways to meet people and gain potential friendships. If you’re looking to find friends here are some tips that I’ve found helpful:


Take Up A New Interest

Recently I joined the local YWCA that has a heated pool and offers a variety of great swim classes for seniors. I’ve met several nice folks while getting some great exercise. Can you think of a course you might like to try at a local gym or community center?



Even if your time is limited there are still ways to volunteer. Chances are you’ll meet people who have similar interests like you do. Hospitals, museums, charitable groups and places of worship are some examples. I enjoy decorating, so this holiday season I’ll be trimming a tree at our local museum as well as at our church. Volunteering can make a person happy and remind us of our self-worth.


Extend or Accept Invitations

Has it been awhile since you invited a friend for coffee or lunch?  RSVP yes to a social gathering if you have time.


Attend a Community Event

Our local university is offering ballroom dance instruction for the community. I’ve always wanted to take lessons and now is a great opportunity! How about you?


Take a Walk

Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year in Upstate NY. It gives folks the opportunity to get outside and enjoy the colorful leaves before the winter chill moves in. It’s amazing how many people are walking in parks or on trails!

From sharing a simple recipe, to finding the best restaurant or movie, the benefits of friendship are endless. The time taken to build new friendships or re-connect with old friends is time well spent. Developing friendships can give us an abundance of strong social support and happiness for many years to come.

Motivational speaker, Brian Tracy sums it up so well: “No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn from scratch. To be successful we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals.”

Since publishing the story, “All That I Had” I’ve discovered a richness in meeting and learning from new friends!  Many of you are dear readers and supporters.

“From The Porch Swing,” is sending you all an abundance of blessings! I hope you’ve enjoyed the November article. Be sure to look out for one another and stay safe.

May you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving season,


Kathy Ann Corse, Author




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