Do you have a favorite recipe that’s been used for years? Do you remember who gave you the recipe? Was it a special tradition made with love that is now part of your family gatherings?

I have a cookbook from the 1970’s that is old and worn. It’s a book that I purchased years ago from a Ukrainian Women’s Church Group. Some of my favorite go-to recipes are found in these pages. As the years have passed, I often wonder how old these recipes actually are and how many people have benefited because time was taken to share them.

Our family has passed down many recipes and when I think of one of my favorites, “Mrs. Buckley’s Pie Crust” always comes to mind. Back in the 1960’s my mother was doing housecleaning for a lovely elderly lady, Mrs. Buckley. She lived in a prominent home on Binghamton’s Westside. Prior to her retirement she was an organist for one of the largest churches in the area. A woman of strong faith, when she offered to pray for you, there was no doubt the prayers were heard. She and mom had a wonderful time together and developed a relationship that mom often reflects on to this day.

Conversation flowed easily between the two and recipes were exchanged. Little did we know that her pie crust recipe would continue on, being enjoyed for many years to come.

Sharing recipes with relatives and loved ones helps to keep their legacy and memories alive. As food appeals to all five of our senses, the aroma of these special delights can bring back vivid memories of our childhood. Meaningful relationships with loved ones no longer with us will continue on with a dish shared by them.

“No one who cooks, cooks alone.” Mrs. Buckley left this world decades ago yet her recipe continues to create wonderful, warm nostalgic feelings while at the same time, honoring her.

 What a better way to welcome fall than with a homemade pie! The simplicity of just a few ingredients combined with the number of times I’ve made this crust keeps the task simple while creating a delicious delight. “Something smells so good!” The recipe can be used for fruit pies, quiches, pumpkin and pecan pies and even chicken pot pie. Since we are of Pennsylvania Dutch heritage, shoo fly pie is to us as pecan pie is to southern folk.

My son’s birthday is on December 23, and as a tradition Jordan requests cherry pie in lieu of cake. Mrs. Buckley’s pie crust once again receives rave reviews and is shared with the birthday guests.

 With full lifestyles today, some modern families may not be able to do exactly what our mothers and grandmothers did in the kitchen, yet there are ways to continue to honor our loved ones and the talents that they brought to many traditional family meals.


My recipe box is old and filled with some of the most cherished recipes. They were kindly shared with me and deserve to be passed down. It’s a simple thing to do and brings happiness to others!  On my wish list is to sit with my children (who are amazing cooks) and go through the box in the near future. The best recipes ARE those that are passed down.

By sharing our strengths and loving one another, we can find one more way to bring joy into our lives, even in the most difficult of times. In the story, “All That I Had,” you’ll find two of my mom’s recipes: Sloppy Joe’s and Baked Corn. They are family favorites and a real hit with our readers!

Thank you friends, for taking the time to view my blog. Look out for one another and stay safe!


Happiest of Autumns,

Kathy Ann Corse, Author

Mrs. Buckley’s Pie Crust Recipe (Never Fail)


(A light & flaky crust that slices beautifully)

“Pies remind us of days gone by with a special pinch of nostalgia”

2 cups of flour

2/3 cup of Crisco (I use the butter flavor)

1/3 cup of ice water

Take pastry cutter and cut Crisco into 1 cup of the flour. Then add remaining cup of flour and ice water (remove ice cubes) blend until the dough comes together. Wrap with plastic and put in refrigerator for 30 minutes. For a top and bottom crust, remove half of the dough from the refrigerator and roll out on a lightly floured surface and lightly floured rolling pin. Approximately 13” round and 1/8” thick.

After placing the bottom crust in pie dish, pierce with a fork several times. Then fill the pie. If using a top crust place the it on and pinch around the sides of the pie & make a small hole in the center of the top crust. Can use a small cookie cutter for additional crust decoration on top of the pie. Brush top crust with milk and sprinkle with coarse sugar.

Depending on the filling, bake as directed by your recipe followed.

(I bake pies at 350 degrees for 45 minutes until golden brown and cool well before slicing)

Dear friends, thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. Be sure to look out for one another and know how much I appreciate you all.


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