A Worthy Cause



Helping Celebrate Abilities

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of each book is donated to the HCA.

Sharing My Passion for This Worthy Cause

“I am very grateful for all the HCA has done to enhance the quality of life for my brother and so many other people with disabilities.”
~ Kathy Ann Corse

My Brother Chucky

In 1961, my brother was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Known then as the Handicapped Children’s Association, the organization, under the direction of Mrs. Anne Campbell provided exceptional speech and physical therapy for Chucky.

Their dedication to educate our family about cerebral palsy, as well as the much-needed emotional support given to my mother, Catherine, was beyond helpful.


At the age of 5, with assistance, Chucky took his very first steps.

HCA, Helping Celebrate Abilities, has been providing services to the disabled population since 1947. What began as a small pre-school for special needs children has grown into a large organization, serving people with disabilities of all ages. The organization is near and dear to me.

The HCA is a NYS Cerebral Palsy affiliate. As the HCA’s work and outstanding reputation aligns with my charitable goals, I have chosen this exceptional organization to sponsor.

“Very humbling. It’s a good read for your soul.  Catherine’s selfless act of giving to help take care of her family, was so special.”

Tracey Urdianyk

“All That I Had” Readers Are Making A Difference!

I was so excited to present this first check to the HCA! It was you, our readers, that allowed me to make this happen! I am so grateful!

It warms my hearts to hear that you love Catherine’s story. I hope it warms your heart to know that your purchase is making a difference at the HCA! This is only the beginning!



“It was so nice to see you, Kathy – I have certainly missed chatting with you! Thank you again for …. well, just being you! You always bring a smile to my face whenever we are together. Your generosity and thoughtfulness are such a beautiful example to us all. Thank you again for the check and the candle holders and most importantly, your dedication to our agency. Below is your photo and I will send another email with the check presentation. With your permission we will post them both on Facebook. Virtual hugs headed your way – since that is all we can do right now!”

-Lisa Krey

HCA, Executive Assistant

“My grandmother, Catherine is the heroine of this story. I adore her & have been inspired by her my whole life long. I’m grateful for her love & kindness & goodness she models every day.”


– Kaitlyn Ann Lyons

Granddaughter to Catherine


All That I Had

All That I Had


ebook: $8.99

Some gifts are as wonderful to give as they are to receive…

10% of all book proceeds are lovingly donated to HCA

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