
Audio Book

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A Story of Determination Ready to Encourage You

Read By Master Storyteller

Kathy Ann Corse

This true story was written as a tribute to my Mother who is one of the “richest” people I know and how she chose to live her one remarkable story.

It is also a dedication to all readers who desire a simpler, slow-paced, and meaningful existence and to discover through the story the value of what really matters most in life.

Get the audio book for $8.95.

Introducing Catherine…

Memories of my Mother’s love and generosity are many. Yet in 1961, one of her greatest acts of selflessness would affect others for a lifetime. In the story you will hear this ultimate act of giving return to her some 36 years later in a very unexpected and amazing way. One day I asked her why she chose to do what she did. Her reply, “It was all that I had.” Thus, the title of the book came into being.

Enjoy this soundbite introducing Catherine…

A Long Time Dream

When I began my quest to turn All That I Had into an audio book, research suggested that I take the traditional route of hiring a professional narrator or “voice talent” to record the book. I sought the guidance of our marketing team, friends, family, and readers. Much to my surprise, the response was overwhelming, that All That I Had should be read by the author!

“Professional narrators are great, but I cannot believe that a narrator who doesn’t know Catherine would read this book with all the love and passion that you would.” I heard variations of this over and over. So, we hit the recording studio to turn this long- time dream into audio! It is with great honor that I personally share this story from my heart to yours. Enjoy!

Deeply Moving

“It is a story that Everyone can relate to. Catherine is my favorite character because she never let life get her down. There have been times when I didn’t give All That I Had. Now, I’m more aware of what I can do for others. Teenage girls and young women who are starting careers would enjoy this book.”

-Sue Senkiw

“A tribute to an unselfish woman, heartwarming. The story reinforces the importance of love within a family. Catherine never gave up on finding medical care for her son, Chucky. I can’t imagine anyone not enjoying this story long after it’s finished!”

-Robert Horney