The New Audio Version Has Arrived!

The New Audio Version Has Arrived!

“You Asked, We Listened!” Your requests to publish “All That I Had” as a digital audio book has been a top priority. We are so excited to announce the release of “All That I Had” in a beautiful, professional audio format! It’s no secret that audio books are on the...
One of The Best Gifts I Ever Received

One of The Best Gifts I Ever Received

Have you ever been given a gift that you loved and cherished for years? What was that gift and why was it so special? Over time I’ve received several “treasures” that made an incredible impact on me. These memorable gifts brought so much joy and meaning to my...
The Sweet Fragrances of Christmas

The Sweet Fragrances of Christmas

What fragrances remind you of the Christmas season? And why are these scents so important? Out of all senses: taste, touch, hear, & see, it is smell that can be one of the most powerful memory provoking senses. Scents represent the holiday season, symbolizing...