From the Porch Swing
Inspiring Blogs by Author Kathy Corse
With every post, my number one purpose is to brighten your day! Never miss a good story! Make your day a little better with positive vibes From the Porch Swing.

How To “Love” A Terminally Ill Friend And Their Family
February is the month when love is mentioned more than any other time of the year. These days, we are witnessing an abundance of friends and...

One of The Best Gifts I Ever Received
Have you ever been given a gift that you loved and cherished for years? What was that gift and why was it so special? Over time I've received...

Christmas Traditions: From our Family to Yours
Our home has been filled with Christmas traditions for many years. Most were started ... Our home has been filled with Christmas traditions for many...

The Sweet Fragrances of Christmas
What fragrances remind you of the Christmas season? And why are these scents so important? Out of all senses: taste, touch, hear, & see, it is...

Finding Gratitude During A Difficult Time
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough” On November 26th, Americans will be celebrating Thanksgiving in a much different way. Out of respect for...

How To “Love” A Terminally Ill Friend And Their Family
February is the month when love is mentioned more than any other time of the year. These days, we are witnessing an abundance of friends and...

One of The Best Gifts I Ever Received
Have you ever been given a gift that you loved and cherished for years? What was that gift and why was it so special? Over time I've received...

Christmas Traditions: From our Family to Yours
Our home has been filled with Christmas traditions for many years. Most were started ... Our home has been filled with Christmas traditions for many...

The Sweet Fragrances of Christmas
What fragrances remind you of the Christmas season? And why are these scents so important? Out of all senses: taste, touch, hear, & see, it is...

Finding Gratitude During A Difficult Time
“Gratitude turns what we have into enough” On November 26th, Americans will be celebrating Thanksgiving in a much different way. Out of respect for...