Meet Kathy


Master Storyteller

If you were to ask Kathy’s children about her story telling, they would wholeheartedly agree “Mom tells the best stories!” Kathy made story time enticing and exciting by embracing voice changes for different characters and introducing enthusiasm and fun props to stimulate the imagination. As adults today, they still enjoy hearing a story read by their mother, especially at Christmas time.

Telling Great Stories

Kathy has carried her storytelling voice from her children’s youth into her current life as a writer. She has a wonderful ability to tell a great story with an inspirational message that is delivered through the pages of her book, “All That I Had.” She describes her story in a clear, exciting way that reminds us all what is truly of value today. Her words are delivered with such touching and relevant emotion that they have the power to change lives for the better and will stay alive for future generations to come.

Vivid Descriptions

The descriptive settings Kathy paints in her story immediately transports readers back in time and places them right in the midst of the scenes. With sensory details added, readers can see, hear, feel, and even smell the different stimuli throughout the story. She carries these vivid descriptions on to her characters, which are the heart of the story, bringing each one to life in the readers’ minds.

Top Reviews

There’s a reason Kathy’s storytelling has earned her top reviews. The author bookends her narrative with an exciting opening chapter to get the audience’s attention, then delivers a positive, surprise ending to stay with the readers long after the story is over. It is a combination of the storyline and the way it is being told that creates an increasing suspense level throughout this non-fiction story that keeps readers wondering what will happen next. “It’s a hard book to put down,” comments many readers, who are hoping the story becomes adapted to film.


Proven Leadership

A Driven Person

But there is another side of Storyteller Kathy Corse. For years, Kathy was known as a well-respected, business developer in sales, leadership, and customer service. A highly skilled executive and opportunity driven, Kathy generated millions of dollars in sales yearly, and assisted corporations in salesforce and revenue growth. She became a master team builder, mentor and coach, adept at teaching and motivating others and planned events that delivered results. Priding herself in the best customer service, she developed a large and loyal client base and was trusted and respected by her peers.

A Long Time Dream

Upon retirement Kathy spent more quality time with her mother. By recording adventures, going on outings, and asking questions, she gained rich information about her family.

Her longtime dream turned reality with the authentic and inspiring completion of her first non-fiction novel, “All That I Had.” By making a positive and meaningful difference with her writing, she is excited about connecting with her children, relatives, readers, and future generations.


Keynote Speaker

Kathy began her speaking career in the business world. Through years of regular speaking engagements to audiences of many, she gained a wealth of knowledge and a dynamic speaking ability. Despite her resounding success, what really defined Kathy was her kindness, enthusiasm, and genuine desire to make a difference in the life of every single person she met. She shifted her public speaking genre to coincide with the message of her life – spreading joy and kindness – by using her book “All That I Had” as the tool.

“My goal is for the audience to feel inspired and want to make a change for the better,” Kathy admitted.

She achieves this by personalizing every presentation she delivers. “I always spend time with the client beforehand and find out more about them, their goals, their people, their culture, then incorporate their language into the presentation so that they can achieve their desired outcome.” Although the presentations are unique to each speaking engagement, they all have a similar idea behind them – the powerful message of kindness, love, and sacrifice that should be lived out by people in all situations and places and at all levels of life.

MY Grandpa’s Hudson

Residing in Upstate NY and business owner of “My Grandpa’s Hudson”, Kathy offers chauffeur driven rides in an expertly restored 1951 Hudson, similar to what her grandfather drove.

In addition, she gives oncology drives to folks heading to appointments, hoping to brighten their day.

Beautiful Story

“It’s an easy read and reminds us all to slow down and value what’s important. I hear that Kathy’s book signings are wonderful. I’d like to see more of those available to attend.”

-Gaye Sautro

“I really enjoyed all the characters. The family was very loving, and it was a touching story. The story makes you want to appreciate people more in our lives and to be more mindful when it comes to gratitude.”

-Sue Hess