For me, one of the greatest joys in life has been to self- publish my first non-fiction: “All That I Had.” In the last few years this true story has made a real difference in the lives of many. A reading designed to offer inspiration, hope and encouragement, it’s humbly earned a 5 star review. Working daily to self promote book sales and speaking engagements, it was discovered early on that I couldn’t do this task on my own. Much help would be needed in order to reach the masses.
To increase brand awareness and sales, businesses were contacted that I’ve loved and supported over the years. A book and gift was delivered to each potential establishment. The opportunity to commission or purchase copies became a welcome addition to their inventory! Not everyone responded but those who did were wonderful and happy to be asked. In a short time, we had acquired a team of brand ambassadors who had a passion for building and supporting small business. They became the face of “All That I Had.”
One might wonder what it takes to be a brand ambassador or an ambassador of any kind. Here are some of the skills that makes me so proud of our group:
Being Reliable
These are people who keep an eye on inventory and stay in touch if additional books are needed. If there’s an event coming up that would benefit sales, our ambassadors are sure to let me know! This talented group wears a smile that will warm the hearts of many! Some hold management positions or have a successful business of their own.
Positive Attitude
After reading the story, our talented promoters excitedly share with others through skilled conversation. Fun ideas are generated to help us spread the word.
Enjoys Talking With People/ Skilled Communication
One of the things I admire most about the team is their sincerity. They enjoy striking up conversations with people and discovering what interests folks have. Being excellent listeners, bonds are easily formed wih people. If something benefits a potential reader, they’re passionate about building and growing!
“Knowing when to listen and when to ask questions is a brand ambassador superpower!”
No doubt there are many of you who would make excellent ambassadors. Local or long distance doesn’t matter. What counts is the exceptional people skills that are a real gift. By possessing these important talents one can provide the greatest value to whom or what is being promoted. You are skilled, and valued!
As we continue to implement the many marketing capabilities of All That I Had, we’re always searching to find the best of the best locations as well as to grow our ambassador group. We’d be honored to speak with you while providing exciting information. Can we take this story nationwide? World wide? Our answer is YES with capabilities of marketing in many different languages. The possibilities are endless!
Thank you to our brand ambassadors whose dedication is making a difference. You are considered the “highest rank” of ambassadors and role models for others to follow. Please be sure to support the following amazing businesses:

Roberson Museum Gift Shop
Michael Sisto, Visitor Services & Museum Shop Coordinator

Country Additions Gift Shop
Cindy Fedish, Owner

Country Wagon Produce & Gifts
Andrea & Bill Eichhorn, Owners

The Outpost Gift Shop
Tara Dombrosky, Owner

The Riverrow Bookstore
John Spencer, Owner, Karen Frick, Associate

Arrowhead Parable Bookstore & Gift Shop
Craig Hall, Store Manager
Friends, thanks for taking the time to read this article. My hope is that you found something to make you smile. Please be safe and look out for one another. Connect with someone who could use a helping hand this week. It will make their day and yours too!
Autumn blessings, 🍁
Kathy Corse, Author & Speaker
PS: Interested in hearing more about a brand ambassador position? Please contact Kathy: