Paperback Book

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All That I Had
There are many ways to receive a copy of Kathy’s book, All That I Had. And in keeping with her message of spreading joy and kindness, Kathy is graciously donating a portion of the proceeds to the HCA, the organization she has lovingly adopted for their generosity to her family.
Direct From Kathy
Some gifts are as wonderful to give as they are to receive…
Since All that I Had is a popular gift for all occasions, Kathy likes to keep a supply on hand.
To sweeten the deal, when you order a book as a gift directly from Kathy, not only will shipping be free, but she will include a personal note or dedication to make the gift most treasured. Many times, she receives notes and emails about how special the dedication made the gift.

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All That I Had
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ebook: $8.99
This deeply moving story follows a precious gift, given freely long ago by a remarkable woman who combined strength, love, and courage to sustain her family through hardship. All That I Had is an easy read that crosses generational lines. This heartfelt memoir will stay with you long after you have read the last page!
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Send Kathy a detailed message. She is happy to help make your order special!