Doesn’t it seem like yesterday we were welcoming summer and in a blink of an eye the first day of autumn is approaching? In just 3 weeks the fall season will begin! Where did our warm weather go?
Living in Upstate NY, folks spend a good portion of the year dressed like Nanook of the North. Heavy coats, hats and scarfs wrapped tightly around the face to keep out the sub-zero wind chills are the fashion statement. Touch screen insulated gloves make the list of daily attire. And most importantly, winter boots, fashionable or not they must provide warmth as there’s nothing worse than cold or wet feet.
“Summer Please Come Back”
Being a true Pisces, I love summer and crave the beach. When Kaitlyn and Jordan were little, every vacation we took was near a body of water and included sand. The recollections we had from those trips will last a lifetime. When summer arrives, our backyard is transformed into a tropical paradise as we wait for the weather to be warm enough for flip flops and shorts! I try not to think of summer coming to an end and enjoy every bit of the season. Yet when it does get closer, I’ve adopted a strategy that helps me keep my zodiac state of mind. Folks, hold on to those memories!
“Summer Is A State Of Mind”
How many images can you recall from this summer? Did you take long walks? Go out for a frozen dessert or did the ice cream truck stop in the area? How about enjoying a motorcycle or bike ride? Did you take in an outdoor movie or hear children’s laughter from your backyard or in the neighborhood? Do we have any campers out there?
Who had the opportunity to sit and gaze at a shooting star or stare deeply into the Milky Way? In August, Saturn was at its closest and brightest to earth!
Was there any grilling involved? It’s always fun to take a bite out of the first summer hotdog at the opening night ball game. Did you vacation at the beach or visit relatives?
For me, I can answer yes to many of these memory makers. And on the more difficult days we can strive to have a positive outlook just by recalling some of those best summer memories. For this year as well as past seasons that were unforgettable.
Do you recall a song: “See You In September”? It’s one of my year-round favorites. A cool song that came out on a hot summer day in 1966 by a group called “The Happenings”. The band originated in Patterson, New Jersey, the same hometown of my dad and his family!
Although decades have passed it was the unforgettable vocal talent that kept this song alive and well in the memories of many! Today, it’s still one of the top 100 favorite summer songs. One never knows the effect we can have on others and how important a wonderful memory can be.
Kathy & Kaitlyn
On July 8th of this year our family came together at the homestead for a first time ever tropical family picnic. My partner, Terry invited his immediate family as well as his two beautiful grandchildren! Kaitlyn and Jordan came along with their significant others. Hosting an event is something I love to do, so the planning started several months in advance. That night, with the steel drum band playing in the background I looked around and saw our families having the best time. With different schedules and living all over the country, it had taken 12 years to make this dream become a reality. No doubt it was a summer memory that will always be remembered.
Kaitlyn & Kathy & Jordan

Kathy & Stepson, Brian

In North America, the last day of summer, September 22nd, will align with the autumn eqinox, marking the first day of fall. This will begin the longer nights and shorter days. Yet we still have some time left to enjoy the warm weather before we need to bring out the sweaters.
“A fallen leaf is no more than a summer’s wave goodbye”
In the next weeks, pick the last vine ripe tomatoes, build a fire and make s’mores. Savor the summer as long as you can. At the end of the season you might enjoy making a poster or vision board for yourself and or the family. This includes fun pictures and plans for next summer.
As we close the chapter on summer and welcome the beauty of autumn, it’s also a wonderful time to read. If you haven’t enjoyed the book “All That I Had,” there’s no better time! You’ll “fall” in love with the true story filled with inspiration, hope and a compelling surprise ending! And as always, it makes a perfect gift!
Friends, thank you for taking the time to read my article. Be safe and look out for one another and know how much you all mean to me.
To endless summer memories,
Kathy Corse, author