I’ve always enjoyed the Spring season. It’s a time when the earth comes alive again with new beginnings! Spring is nature’s way of saying “Let’s Party!” Although there wasn’t much of that going on, I wanted to do something so show our neighbors and friends that we were thinking about them.
In the front yard between the street and the sidewalk, was a patch of grass that always seemed to be a challenge. The grass never grew well and the area attracted many “four legged friends” who squashed any hopes for a lush and thriving lawn. It was a prime location where many folks walked by on a daily basis.
Then it dawned on me! Why not transform this outdoor space into an amazing flower garden? It’s a simple fact that these bright and colorful blooms generate happiness and bring joy. Flowers are a way of conveying feelings of love and care while lifting our moods to bring peace and calm.
The benefits of surrounding ourselves with flowers are endless and those stopping by would have a front row seat to “The Covid Garden.”
Neighbors and folks out for a walk were curious to see what was transpiring. The bed was a sunny spot, ideal for plants to thrive. Now it was time to bring beauty to this much needed place! With help from a local nursery, we picked out colorful splashes of yellows, blues, purples and vibrant lush greens.
One by one the plants were carefully removed from pots and placed in their new home. Adding a layer of mulch was a nice touch and would keep the weeds at bay and the soil moist.

On Memorial Weekend of 2020, we dedicated “The Covid Garden” with a plaque for all the lives lost to the pandemic. A new tree stands tall honoring the many front line workers who sacrificed much time and effort to help others in need. It is a healing and restful space offered to those who mourn.
At night solar lights shine in the darkness, indicating hope for us all.
In the story, “All That I Had,” there are many beautiful references to flowers. One in particular is the bleeding heart plant given to Catherine by her father on her wedding day. The plant has been lovingly taken care of for over 100 years and continues to not only survive but to thrive! Some of those years were not always easy but looking at this beautiful plant today, you would never know how far it has traveled.
“The Covid Garden” is one of many examples of hope and encouragement for us all. By finding the simplest of joys for ourselves and by sharing these joys with others, it will give us great comfort. Somehow, someway we will continue to keep going and grow even on the darkest of days.

Thank you for reading my article. Your support means the world to me. Please continue to be safe and look out for one another.
Wishing you a Joyous and Happy Spring!
Kathy Corse, Author