Young Professionals
Please Meet Our Young Professionals
“Young Professionals” are the future, and their contributions do matter!
We actively listened to their thoughts and ideas and valued the incredible feedback. Their voices were heard!
Whether in soft cover, kindle or audio version, this talented group read, All That I Had, with individuals each completing a review. Included was how the story aligned with their own lives.
Thank you to all of our “Young Professionals” for contributing!
We are very proud to introduce to you this amazing group of young people and their comments:

Young Professional Testimony
This story is inspiring, captivating & calming-all around an easy read! I love how poems, recipes & little tid-bits are incorporated. It made the reading so enjoyable.
Catherine was my favorite character-without a doubt! When I read how she was a huge football and U Conn Huskies fan, that was the icing on the cake!
This story made me see what a “full life” is really all about.
any person looking for inspiration should read All That I Had.
Jake Daly
Taste of NY Program | Educator | Age: 26

Young Professional Testimony
“What an incredible story of love & sacrifice. My favorite character was Catherine. The selfless nature, compassion and unconditional love for her family made her a wonderful woman, mother and role model. Her independence to make things happen was very impressive! The story is truly inspiring and heartwarming and filled with so many life lessons that I will take with me forever. “All That I Had” would make a beautiful play!”
Dr. Chris Puglisi
Chiropractor & Certified Health Coach

Young Professional Testimony
“After reading this book, it reminded me to appreciate the life I have and the people in it. The story warmed my heart and brought back so many memories of my amazing Grandma. It’s the simple things that truly can make us happy. Anyone going through a difficult time or looking for meaning will enjoy this reading. Thank you, Kathy for sharing All That I Had with me – I truly believe it happened for a reason!”
Sam Barbosa
Elizabeth’s Shoes & Accessories| Sales Manager

Young Professional Testimony
“I found the story to be heart-warming and “homey.” Catherine was my favorite character who put her family’s needs first. She reminded me of my parents who went without so that my sister and I were taken care of. The compelling ending brought me to tears in a good way. As a new mother, I work every day to put my daughter first. If I can be anything like Catherine that would be so wonderful!”
Tenley Peak

Young Professional Testimony
“All That I Had is quite an inspiring story reminding us that even the simplest acts of kindness can often have unexpected rewards. Catherine was my favorite character and a Real Life person. Her dedication to family, friends and decades of volunteer service showed her true compassion for others. My best loved part of the story was the compelling surprise ending. It will bring any reader to tears. Every person of all ages will be able to connect with All That I Had in different ways. Its message so powerful that the story should be available to purchase everywhere!”